Did you set up an LLC for your business and are not sure what to do next? Did use an online incorporation service or an attorney that failed to mention what type of business structure is best for tax purposes?
We help business owners make the right financial decisions as they navigate the process of starting a business. From selecting the right business entity to setting up accounting functions, we will provide the information, recommendations, and support to make your new business ready for success.
First, we will help you find the right business structure to minimize tax liabilities and allow you to turn a profit more quickly. Next, we will show you how to organize your ideas into a convincing business plan. Then, we will point you set up the best version of QuickBooks accounting software to keep your bookkeeping organized and accurate.
But our job doesn’t stop there! Once you open your doors, our CPA firm will continue to be an important resource as your business takes shape. From early growth through the entire life of your business, we will be your trusted advisor for reliable financial advice and direction.
Get the help you need to start your new business off on the right foot. Call (915)593-2255 or request a consultation online to learn more.